Labels:text | newspaper OCR: BLACK-OUT London Daily Mail Tomorrow's HOUR Forecast: UNTIL 5.15 Eveninig Edition FINAL One Penny BRITAIN - GERMANY Prime Minister stq+ -- Vin- ..... 77 .. | Britain's new |Britain's new ifying a certainty now! apon / York RAF SAVES 7 in papers their most news today Hitler intensified his massive rai in's defeat of ports still further yesterday. mo air attacks, intly display than he used in the last two days if a "new and against Portsmouth and the Kent British ports still further yesterday. mo They say than he used in the last two days Was a gun against Portsmouth and the Kent res steel cab- tare German ports still further yesterday. moi And that the than he used in the last two days L-Pom gun against Portsmouth and the Kent is iply the ans- Wer to the yermit _dive bomber. dive bomber.